Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Lock your Computer Easy

Very useful when you have to leave your system on for some time and you have to go some where else...

Right click on an empty area of the desktop and choose 'new' then 'shortcut.' The create shortcut wizard will open.
In the first text box, type '%windir%\\System32\\rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation' and then give your shortcut an appropriate name on the next page, and hit 'finish.'
You will notice that the shortcut you created has a blank icon. To select a more appropriate one, right click on the shortcut and hit 'properties.' In the 'shortcut' tab, click the 'change icon' button.
Else u can simply press the \"window key + l\" to lock your computer.

You can also use the following keyboard shortcuts with a Microsoft Natural Keyboard or any other compatible keyboard that includes the Windows logo key and the Application key.

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Hacking Battlefield 3: Play Without Origin

Origin works primarily the way the well-known “Steam” client works (which is owned by Valve), except the steam client literally pioneered this electronic gaming distribution service almost a decade ago in 2003. Origin literally adds nothing to the table except that it is competing with Steam, and you can only play BF3 through Origin, thus requiring all gamers who already have Steam downloaded on their computers to also download Origin.

Not only this, but BF3 (the game which many consider the flagship for Origin) actually runs out of a browser instead of some type of built-in in-game browser interface that would then allow you to track friends, view performance tracks, and set up matches. Now, the idea of running a game through a browser isn’t that painful (although it is very unattractive); however, considering that you are running origin to start a game that runs through a browser, the word redundant comes to mind. Also, requiring you to be online in order to play a game with a single-player campaign is a bit mind-numbing in and of itself.

Luckily, BF3 and Origin Have Already Been Hacked

No more than two weeks after the game has hit shelves, a group of hackers collectively known as Razor1911 have already hacked the BF3 client and taken Origin out of the equation. Unlike many hacks, this does not actually allow illegal distribution or pirating of the game. It simply gives customers more control over the game they purchased, allowing them to run BF3 without having to open Origin.

In the release notes, Razor1911 state: “This release is dedicated to our fans worldwide who bought this game on legal way and don't want to install the trojan from Electronic Arts to play online.”


Do keep in mind that, if you would like to continue playing BF3 online on EA’s servers, there may be some risk involved in running the hack. First off, EA is very likely to respond to the hack directly and nullify its functionality as soon as possible. What would be even direr, however, is if EA bans people who used the hack from their servers. So please keep these risks in mind if you would like to hack BF3.